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Tuesday, September 07, 2004
mon week-end, dans une coquille
that means, "my weekend, in a nutshell."

Early friday morning we started our adventure to la belle province (aka....Quebec) - we went to see my sister in law and brother in law. leaving early in the morning - bad idea. the kids whined and complained the entire way there. and heaven forbid they should like to watch the same thing on the dvd player. Joshie screamed, "I wah Momo" (translation - I want Nemo) while Emily kvetched, "I want 102 Dalmations" while Joshie yelled, "No doggies please."

Once we got there, we had a really nice time. Well, except for the puking incident. Joshie has a really really bad cough and sometimes when he coughs really hard, he chokes himself and gags a little. Just my luck, he did this gagging when Gav wasn't around and right after he'd had a sippy cup of milk. cheese-stinky puke all over his pajamas, the one sheet that we had brought, his blanket (binket) that he WILL NOT sleep without....argh, it was a disaster. but, alas, i was calmer than i expected to be (what with my whole emetophobia and all...but it wasn't like it was a sickness..i wasn't going to catch what he had) and i managed to clean everything all up and not pass out.

Adina and Manny's apartment is really nice. It's very nicely decorated. it's so nice, in fact, that i didn't even realize that their tv cabinet thing-y is exactly the same as ours, only theirs somehow looks better. :) I give them a lot of credit for being able to handle our not-so-neat children in such a small space! We are determined to somehow make it back there without the kids....we have such a good time with Manny and Adina, and we really don't ever get to just hang out with them because it's always all about the kids. maybe one day. They still have at least two more years there...

we decided to take some other mothers' advice and drive back in the early evening, when the kids are wiped and low on energy instead of in the morning when they are hyper. We started driving just after 6 pm and both kids were asleep before 6:30. ah! it was such a pleasure. Things went great until 7:18, when Emily woke up with a night terror and screamed the car down. She woke poor Joshie up and the two of them never went back to sleep. They sat, comotosed, in front of Dumbo, 102 Dalmations and some of Nemo until we got home at 11pm. i couldn't believe they stayed up that long. proves my theory that my kids DO NOT sleep in the car.

on sunday we went to Canada's Wonderland and had a really really nice time until joshie decided to have a repeat puke performance. he started coughing until he was choking and then out came his meal. yuck.

Last night we got to enjoy a little bit of time away from the kids, which we welcomed with open arms after our LONG and TIRING weekend. We went to Howie (my new best friend because he went to the consulate and got the papers i need to claim my kiddie's US citizenship) and Devora's (my other new best friend because she taped the Jude Law Oprah for me) for a BBQ. I'm pretty sure that we won't be invited back for a long time, though, because Gav insulted their BBQ sauce. and if i know one thing about men and their barbeques, you DO NOT go insulting other people's. So, if either of you are reading this......i take no responsibility for him!!

I'm a displaced American writer, mom, and wife living in Canada who muses about my life, my kids, my tv watching and my slight obsession with celebrities.
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