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Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Headline of the Day
"Man cut off his penis and fed it to dog"

A Romanian man was rushed to hospital after he accidentally cut off his own penis and fed it to his dog.

Constantin Mocanu, 67, from Galati county, told doctors he couldn't sleep because of a noisy chicken.

He decided to kill the bird but claims he mistook his penis for the chicken's neck and chopped it off.

When he realised what he'd done, he says he threw the severed organ to the dog which ate it.

The man told National newspaper: "It was after midnight when the bloody cock was making such a trouble outside. I got very angry and went out to kill it.

"I don't know how I got my penis instead. I was so irritated I threw it to the dog before my wife called the ambulance. What could I do with a piece of penis."

The man is now in hospital at Galati where doctors are going to operate on him.

But surgeons say there is no chance of rebuilding his penis and say the best they can do is restore his ability to urinate.

Surgeon Nicolae Bacalbasa said he was not convinced by the man's story.

He said: "It's like the Bible says. If your right hand gives you trouble then cut it off. The man is 67 and he may have had reasons to punish his organ. I am personally more tolerant with these matters."

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