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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Kate Stelnick, 19, of Princeton, N.J., who weighs just 100 pounds, became the first person to eat a six-pound hamburger - and five pounds of fixins’ - within three hours.

Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub got nationwide attention when it introduced the massive hamburger, which is loaded with six pounds of meat, one large onion, two whole tomatoes, one half head of lettuce, 1 1/4 pounds of cheese, top and bottom buns, and a cup each of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, relish, banana peppers and some pickles.

Stelnick spent the two days prior to the feast by fasting. “I felt very full, but I was too excited that I actually ate it to notice,'’ Stelnick said.

A feat in its own right, not even competitive eater Eric “Badlands'’ Booker could finish the challenge within the allotted time. The 420-pound Booker - who has eaten such things as 49 glazed doughnuts in eight minutes and two pounds of chocolate bars in six minutes - tried three times to eat the burger and finally did on his third effort. But it took Booker 7 1/2 hours.

[source: Associate Press]

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