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Wednesday, March 02, 2005
“Whoa! This is what the kids call wedgies!”
Okay..after watching TAR last night, the husband and I have narrowed our boys names down to 2 - Meredith and Lynn. WTF? How did the producers manage to get, not one, but two men with women's names in their race? I mean, sure, last season, Hayden was a girl, but Meredith? I giggle every time I hear it.

I hope Ray and Deana aka team "Suck it up" don't become the next Jonathan and Victoria...we don't need any more of those.

I love Rob and Ambuh. I admit it. he had me at "Holy Cannoli."

Stupid. stupid people. check first to see if there's something earlier than 7:40. one of the first rules of this game. don't just go start digging.

Kelly is NO beauty queen. I'm just sayin'.

I like Brian and Greg.

I'm sad to see Ryan and Chuck get the first philimination. There's nothing like some rednecks mangling Portuguese. And not since Big Tom was there ever such a drastic need for subtitles on Reality TV.

Best line of the night:
Patrick: “Man, I’m glad I peed before I did that.” Heh.

I'm a displaced American writer, mom, and wife living in Canada who muses about my life, my kids, my tv watching and my slight obsession with celebrities.
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