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Thursday, September 07, 2006
13 of the BEST tv couples ever!

Thirteen of the best tv couples ever

1. Winnie and Kevin

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2. Dylan and Brenda

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3. Cory and Topanga

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4. Ben and Felicity

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5. Sonny and Carly

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6. Tony and Angela

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7. Joanie and Chachi

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8. Zack and Kelly

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9. Joey and Pacey

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10. Meredith and McDreamy

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11. Ross and Rachel

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12. Seth and Summer

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13. Jim and Pam

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Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. Meredith
2. Tug
3. PixiePincessMom
4. froggie mama
5. Tink
6. LuluBunny
7. Amy
8. Shannon
9. Southern Girl
10. on the Rock
11. Lindsay
12. Audrey
13. Lisa
14. Cat
15. Sadie
16. Tiffany
17. wrigley
18. jersey girl
19. Ruth

(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

I'm a displaced American writer, mom, and wife living in Canada who muses about my life, my kids, my tv watching and my slight obsession with celebrities.
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