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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
mmmm...boxer briefs....AKA American Idol
the good:
~Chris. he sang Suspicious Minds and A Little Less Conversation. mmm..he's hot. and he can sing. i wish he'd stop raping the microphone stand. but, i love him. and i want to see him in the final two, please, okay, america, thanks.
~Elliot. he sang If I Can Dream and Trouble. and Simon is right. He deserves to go through to the next round. he was awesome. but, seriously, the teeth? he needs to get those suckers fixed. bad.

the meh:
~Taylor. He sang Jailhouse Rock and In The Ghetto. i love how they told him not to move and dance around for the second song, yet he totally couldn't.

the bad:
~Katharine. she sang Hound Dog/All Shook Up and Can't Help Falling in Love. Kat...oh Kat....remember what i was saying about you choosing songs and arrangements that are just too much for you? yes, that's exactly what you did last night. she shouldn't be this off this late in the game. she also shouldn't be forgetting her lyrics...

other notes:
~i thought Nikko Smith was Usher. anyone else?
~WTF was Paula wearing?
~anyone else loving Ryan Seacrest just a little bit this morning for talking to Chris about his underwear AND offering to give Paula $1 for her hideous dance movements??
~Katharine had the flattest stomach! why on earth does she always wear maternity clothing?

bottom two?
hoping for Katharine and Taylor. mmm...guessing that Taylor goes home? or Kat? not sure on this one...

I'm a displaced American writer, mom, and wife living in Canada who muses about my life, my kids, my tv watching and my slight obsession with celebrities.
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