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Friday, August 18, 2006
the one where she can't park
yesterday i met with the lovely Jen from at Starbucks about a possible blogging opportunity at her site.
I arrived early...mostly because Haley ditched me I overestimated how long i'd be at li'l niblets. So, i pulled up on Yonge street, looking for a parking spot. I was delighted to have found one right across the street.
the sign looked like this:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
except it said m-f, 6:00pm-9:00pm. ooh. since it was 6:02, i couldn't believe my luck. perfect spot. so, i get out of the car and go over to the trusty parking machine:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
but, alas. it was BLANK. it was just a grey box, nowhere to pay.

what the fuck? could i park there? could i not park there?
was it worth the risk of getting towed?
so, i got back in the car and went around the corner and found a meter.
but, i had no change. so, i drove around again and found a parking lot and paid the $3 dollars to park. hmph.

so, i went in and found Jen. she's gorgeous! and tall! and so super nice!
she bought me a coffee (i'm such a cheap date. i just got a tall. regular coffee. if i'd known she was paying i would have splurged for a latte. and cake. mmmm..cake. relax, i kid. i so wouldn't have)
we talked a little bit about urbanmoms. she had me at hello. i wanted in. this thing is going to be huge. huge, folks. it's going to be fantastic for the canadian mommy network. i'm so excited to be a part of it.
so, as of september 1st, i will be writing a mommy blog on urbanmoms, and i will, of course, harrass you to go over and read it. it doesn't have a name yet...i will be asking for your help on that. the good news is that I Write, Therefore I Blog is going to have its own new design and NEW NAME (do you wanna hear it? do you? drumroll please....Cheaper Than Therapy...don't you just love it???) as of the end of August. The wonderful Ro at Ciao My Bella will be assisting me in this project to get the hell off of blogger and set me up on my own little site. stay tuned for details on this too.

so, keep reading for more details on my new writing gig at
i will be trying to convince you all that i am a cool chick.
even though i'm a mother.
and i work full time.
and i have three kids.
even if i can't freakin' figure out how to park my car in midtown Toronto.
and if you haven't already been there. go. there. now. and sign up.

oh, and did i mention that Jen gave me free booze? oh, yes, she did.
so i celebrated my new gig by getting hammered off my ass enjoying a nice, refreshing glass of Bailey's on ice.

I'm a displaced American writer, mom, and wife living in Canada who muses about my life, my kids, my tv watching and my slight obsession with celebrities.
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I've gone Urban. check out my Fabulous blog here:

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